Read What People Are Saying About Ruth Ann

“I have been receiving Reiki from Ruth for almost 3 years now. I can say as far as a healer goes, Ruth is by far one of the most talented practitioners I have had the pleasure of working with. Ruth connects with your physical body, as well as your higher self as she shares her beautiful, loving energy. I recommend working with Ruth to help heal your physical, emotional and spiritual body. She is definitely a gift from God.” – Kathy


“When I sought out help understanding some things on my journey, I felt drawn to Ruth Ann. She knew nothing about me but felt my angels quickly upon meeting & deeper into the reading. She read to me things I innately felt most of my life and confirmed the spiritual presence. There are times I feel her and we connect. Her readings assist in grounding me and understanding the events heading my way both great & curious. Readings go quickly so I make sure to write them down! I then spend hours researching the meanings and studying the Angels. Shes always here to answer my questions after the fact & has become a sweet part of my journey.” – Tricia Faulkner Art

"Meeting and receiving a Reiki treatment and Angel card reading from Ruth Ann has been life expanding for me. She helped release old energy, address past energetic wounds and current ones. Her counsel, healing light, grace, wisdom and compassion allow her clients to feel safe and in just the right hands at just the right time. My life has been indelibly blessed by knowing Ruth Ann."  - M. Honeycutt

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